Start your journey to enjoy music!

Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you, following you right on up until you die.
— Paul Simon


Ready to learn piano?  We offer beginning piano lessons from age 5 on up.

Learning piano at any age can offer years of playing enjoyment.

We offer a variety of beginning piano lessons to suit your needs

You can find the perfect fit for your learning style. We offer classes ranging from private lessons to group lessons.

Some statistics from a recent Gallup Poll:

  • Over half of the population plays an instrument

  • 95% of Americans consider music to be part of a well-rounded education

  • 93% said playing an instrument helps children make friends

  • 88% said playing an instrument teaches children discipline

  • 85% regretted not learning to play an instrument

  • 78% said learning a musical instrument helps you do better in other subjects
