When is a good time to start piano?

Knowing when to start piano lessons is a common question asked. With experience, I have become comfortable in figuring out what age and where to start with any student walking in the door. Different ages have different sets of needs that call for a different set of plans to accommodate those needs.

Below is an infographic that explains briefly about the ages for starting piano. You can start piano at any age, but you do not always want to go about it in the same way. As you see in the infographic, there are different ages that you can start which will determine how you will begin.

Inforgraphic When to Start Piano Lessons - eidted.JPG

Early Beginners aged 5-6 need a bit more time on some concepts. They also have small hands that cannot reach a big span, let alone use all the fingers to play yet. This age is at a pre-reading level and the books used are aimed at this. Early beginner books take all this into consideration.

Ages 7-10 is the prime age to start piano! Around 1st grade, they are reading and their hands are bigger than a younger student. As they learn at this pace, the material will accommodate their growing hands.

When you get to Ages 11 & up, the older beginner is ready to move. Their age makes them quick to catch on and their hands are ready for a lot more than younger students. Using an accelerated method book for learning piano for this age is a must. 

An adult would need to learn at an accelerated speed the same as the 11 & up group.

Starting piano at any age is always an option but taking age into consideration is always important. This will help a student get on the right track to learning piano and move forward at the right speed.  Using this infographic as a guide can help.